CROSSING THE LINE: FINDING AMERICA IN THE BORDERLANDS Named a Finalist for the International Nellie Bly Award
Never has a book been more urgent or more timely: “For anyone who wants to understand the dysfunctional immigration debate beyond slogans, Crossing the Line is an absolute must-read."
In this world turned upside down, where good people are being criminalized while true criminals are allowed to walk free; where democracies are everywhere under attack by demagogues and profiteers, broligarchs and kleptocrats…
CROSSING THE LINE is now more timely than ever!
And it’s not just me who thinks so. That’s what the Chanticleer Book Reviews & Media committee has determined.
CROSSING THE LINE is one of seven titles worldwide to be named a FINALIST for their prestigious Nellie Bly Award for Journalistic and Investigative Non-Fiction!
This writer is at a loss for words to express her excitement and gratitude. So I’ll let just some of my reviewers speak for me…
“A powerful exposé of the human costs of America’s immigration policies.”
— Kirkus Reviews
“Simultaneously a searing indictment of inhumane immigration policies and a moving testament to the resilience of the human spirit, Sarah Towle’s Crossing the Line is public-interest storytelling at its finest. A brilliant, engaging, and essential read for anyone seeking a true understanding of America’s borderlands.”
— Toluse Olorunnipa, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of
His Name Is George Floyd: One Man’s Life and the Struggle for Racial Justice
“ expertly written, deeply human exposé of the border crisis in the southwestern United States, leaving the reader well-informed . . . from multiple perspectives. It enlightens as much as it devastates . . . With the effect of immigration being felt globally, this should be everyone’s must-read.” — Nonfiction Authors Association Gold Award Review
“For anyone who wants to understand the dysfunctional immigration debate beyond slogans, Crossing the Line is an absolute must-read.”
— Scott Allen, Former Editor Boston Globe Spotlight Investigative Team
“We all deserve a narrative with clarity, and Towle has delivered. Spectacular!”
— Ken Burns, filmmaker
Thank you Chanticleer Book Reviews & Media for bearing witness with my story collaborators and me. We could not be more honored for the recognition! Because…
Hope knows no borders. And Trump & Co’s cruelty is not okay.
CROSSING THE LINE is available in print, e-book, and audiobook editions. Click the image below to get your copy today.
Congratulations Sarah! Job well done.
Well done, Sarah!! 👏🏽